Education Fund

The Education fund is one of the crucial long-term programmes of the Committee of Good Will. It provides grants for talented children with disabilities, socially disadvantaged children or children from children's homes, to enable them to attend secondary schools and universities in the Czech Republic. General partner of the programme is the ČSOB bank.

The Education Fund was established by the ČSOB bank and the Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation in 1995. Since the beginning until 2019, 594 scholarships have been provided to students, and another 578 students received a single contribution. A total amount of more than 34,000,000 CZK was spent on studies for children in complicated life situations. 

Good education is an investment which will pay off in the future as the opportunity to integrate into society and become independent. Thanks to the financial support provided by the Education Fund, students have more motivation to continue their studies.

Deadlines for applications - February 25 and August 25, 2022

Applicants need to meet the following conditions

  • maximum age 26 years (in special cases 30 years - e.g. Ph.D. students)
  • study at a secondary school, university or specialised school in the Czech Republic
  • maximum grade average 2.0
  • social handicap and/or disability
  • successful completion of the interview at the Committee of Good Will - Olga Havel Foundation

List of required documents

  • completed application form
  • motivation letter
  • CV
  • proof of study at a secondary school, university or specialised school in the Czech Republic
  • copy of the last report
  • proof of income for all household members
  • proof of tuition fee and accommodation fee payment
  • medical report (in case of applying for a physical handicap reason)

Additional information

  • applications shall be sent by post to the Foundation address, date of submission is significant
  • as we try to promote students' self-reliance in managing their finances, one of the conditions of getting the scholarship is to open their bank account
  • maximum grade average 2.0 must be maintained at all times when a scholarship is paid; in case of worse grades the scholarship is lowered and in case of interruption of studies it is completely stopped

The stories of our grantees

History of the Education fund

  • 1995 - establishment of the Education fund, adopting the statute, establishment of the Board;
  • 1996 - the Education fund provided the first scholarships;
  • 1997 - the ČSOB received an award from the US embassy “Network for Democracy” for its partnership with the Committee of Good Will;
  • 1998 - blue cards of the ČSOB for scholarship receivers;
  • 2000 - first graduates, OHF awarded the head of the ČSOB Pavel Kavánek a memorial medal;
  • 2001 - during the Olga Havel Awards, the OHF officialy gave thanks to the ČSOB;
  • 2002 - the project Education fund was expanded - holiday language schools were established;
  • 2005 - the Fund supported 67 students, studies were successfully completed by 6 university students, 6 secondary school students, and 2 students from specialised schools;
  • 2006 - the Fund supported 69 students – 1 SOU (specialised secondary school) student, 34 secondary school students, 4 VOŠ (specialised university) students and 30 university students. Foundation VIA honoured P. Hutl for his cooperation on the common project of the ČSOB and the OHF;
  • 2007 - scholarships were provided to 77 secondary school and university students;
  • 2008 – scholarships were provided to 31 university students, 29 secondary school students, 5 conservatory students, 4 students from specialised universities, and 1 student from a specialised secondary school. On 23 October 2008, a press conference was held on the topic “Obstacles on the way towards education”, the same day the Committee of Good Will and ČSOB said goodbye to 3 students who successfully completed the Education Fund program;
  • 2009 – scholarships were provided to 67 students of secondary schools and universities. Employees of the ČSOB becoming patrons for their students. Management of the enlightening campaign Steps towards Integration. On 21 November 2009, OHF announced in the Czech Parliament results of the its survey about possibilities of education for handicapped people at the Czech secondary schools and universities and awarded three secondary schools for the best individual support for handicapped students;
  • 2010 – scholarships were provided to 67 secondary school and university students. During this year, five students completed their studies. On 1 February 2010, a round table was held at the Czech Parliament on the topic of financing studies for handicapped students;
  • 2011 – Education fund provided scholarships to 65 students. Twelve students successfully completed their studies. The competition “Velice Dobrý Výtvor” (Very Good Creation) was announced for students of the Education fund. The competition aimed to support handicapped students and their creativity and development;
  • 2012 – scholarships were provided to 70 students, from which one third were physically handicapped, one third socially handicapped, and one third came from children homes;
  • 2013 - scholarship was given to 67 students;
  • 2014 - Education Fund was supporting 71 students;
  • 2015 - scholarship was given to 74 students;
  • 2016 - scholarship was given to 85 students;
  • 2017 - Education Fund was supporting 88 students;
  • 2018 - Education Fund is supporting 88 students;
  • 2019 - scholarship was given to 89 students.
„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
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