Laptops and tablets for children from families in need and for seniors

During the coronavirus crisis, the Committee of Good Will - Olga Havel Foundation distributed 10 laptops and 45 tablets to children from families in need, seniors and children from Roma families. The gadgets were donated by ČSOB and individual donors for online education and communication between seniors and their families.

„The coronovirus epidemic has further exposed the problems faced by low-income families, especially single parents. They don´t have any necessary tools for distance education of children, so a number of initiatives has been created to help them secure computers or internet connections,“ says Monika Granja, director of the Committee of Good Will - Olga Havel Foundation.

The Committee of Good Will handed over 6 laptops from the ČSOB Foundation to single families. The handover to the needy ones was mediated by Tereza Vohryzková, who initiated the collection for families via social networks. The remaining laptops will help students with health or social disabilities to study.

In addition, the foundation obtained 45 tablets from ČSOB, 10 of which it donated to the Prague branch of Diakonie ČCE for lonely seniors, so that they could communicate with their families during the period of isolation due to pandemic of coronavirus. Additional tablets will be given to children from Roma families attending non-segregated primary schools. In cooperation with our foundation and the Czech Digital platform, Awen Amenca will distribute them as part of its project, which helps children from Roma families to provide quality education at regular primary schools.

„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
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